【募集】オンキャンパスジョブ/ On Campus Job

学生向けお知らせ 2022/10/28




詳しくは、 https://yoshikobaba3.wixsite.com/oncampus/blog をご覧ください。
お申し込みは、 https://forms.office.com/r/t1N2EpshM6 からお申し込みください。

On-Campus Jobs are available. On-campus jobs are those in which students participate in university work on campus, gaining implementation experience, etc., using the knowledge, skills, and techniques they have acquired through research and study activities at the university. It is also expected to lead to financial support for students. Currently, three on-campus jobs are aveilable at the Office of Research and Strategic and Development.

For more information, visit https://yoshikobaba3.wixsite.com/oncampus/blog.
To register, please visit https://forms.office.com/r/t1N2EpshM6.添付ファイル

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