Monthly AI seminar by Institute for Physics of Intelligence (ipi seminar) will resume online for 2021 FS.

News 2021/09/24

“AI for Physics, Physics for AI” is the guiding motto for Institute for Physics of Intelligence (ipi) and for its monthly seminar. We are happy to announce that we will resume the ipi seminar from this October in an online format.
We would like to invite everyone who is interested in the synergy between AI and physics. Each month, we will host a 45 to 60Min seminar by renowned speakers on various topics that will provide an inspiration for the audience and offer the possibility for exchange and collaborations. Each seminar talk will be followed by 30Min Q&A and informal chatting with the speaker.
1. [finished] Hajime YOSHINO @ Osaka Univ. ⇨For more details, click HERE
 - 10:30-12:00am, October 28
 - Design space of a deep neural network - its spatial evolution and robustness
2. [finished] Shirley HO @ Princeton Univ. ⇨For more details, click HERE
 - 1:00pm, November 30 
 - Interpreting (some) neural networks with symbolic regression
3. [finished] Sho YAIDA @ Meta AI ⇨For more details, click HERE
 - 10:30-12:00am, December 16
 - Effective Theory of Deep Neural Networks
4. [finishied] Ayaka SAKATA @ Institute of Statistical Mathematics ⇨For more details, click HERE
 - 10:30-12:00am, January 11
 - Statistical physics for the Bayesian statistical decision: an application to Group Testing
5. Quoc Hoan TRAN @ Univ. Tokyo ⇨For more details, click HERE
 -10:30-12:00am, January 26
 -Quantum Reservoir Computing - from Classical to Quantum Timeseries Processing

To receive the Zoom invitation and monthly reminders, please register via this google form:
Your e-mail addresses will be used for this purpose only, you can unsubscribe anytime, and we will not send more than three e-mails per month.
                                                                                               Tilman HARTWIG, Takashi TAKAHASHI & Ken NAKANISHI
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