通学定期券・各種届出書類・証明書発行/Issuance of Various Official Documents and Certificates
・通学定期乗車券/Student Commuter Pass
・各種届出用紙/Notification Forms
・証明書交付申請/Application for certificates
・単位移行(対象:博士後期課程)/ Transfer of Credits(Doctor only)
通学定期乗車券/Student Commuter Pass
When purchasing a student commuter pass at student discount rate, you need a "Student Commuter Certificate". This certificate is handed to you at the Physics Academic Affairs Office(PAAO) when you enroll or a new academic year starts.
For the following procedures contact the Student Support Team, Graduate School Office, Room 275, 2F, Faculty of Science Bldg.1
Change of Address:
Please bring your current "Student Commuter Pass" to the Student Support Team.
Please update your new address on UTAS as well.
Ref: The address of your parent cannot be changed in UTAS. Please inform the Graduate School Office about the new postal code, address, name of the parent and telephone number.
Students of Kashiwa and Komaba Campus:
A "Student Commuter Pass" for Hongo can be exchanged with the one for Kashiwa and Komaba at the Student Support Team.
For Students of KEK, JAXA:
The Student Support Team will issue a "Request for the Certificate of Enrollment".
If you lost your "Student Commuter Certificate" :
Please contact the Student Support Team.
各種届出用紙/Notification Forms
・留学許可願 等
・Notice of Overseas Travel*
・Request for Leave of Absence*, Request for Resumption of Studies
・Notice of Extension of Enrollment Period
・Request for Re-issue of Student ID**
・Request for Approval to Study Abroad etc.
Application forms can be downloaded.
学部学生用(for undergraduate students)
大学院生用(for graduate students)
In addition, international students must submit the following document for temporary return to your home country.
Please come to PAAO to get the seal of the head of the dept. and submit it to the ILO.
Application for Temporary Leave
*参照:休学の手続・海外渡航の手続(p8-10) /ref: Procedure for Leave of Absence, Procedure for Overseas Travel(p62-65)
大学院履修案内/Graduate School Course Information*
**再交付事由が紛失・盗難及びカード破損の場合は、再交付手数料が有料(2,000円 2020.8月現在)となります。
If the reason for re-issuance is lost, stolen, or damaged, the re-issuance fee will be charged (2,000 yen as of Aug.2020).
証明書交付申請/Application for certificates
・卒業証明書 等
・ Transcript
・Certificate of Enrollment
・Certificate of Completion and so on.
See here for more information (the website of the Faculty of Science and Graduate School of Science)
博士後期課程の学生を対象とした単位移行/Transfer of Credits for Doctoral Students
修士課程で超過して取得した大学院科目の単位を博士課程取得単位として振り替えられるものです。 提出書類:単位移行届( xlsx / pdf )と修士課程の成績証明書
提出先 :物理教務(理1号館208号室) 学内便、郵便、受け取りフォルダへの提出
※ 指導教員の押印が必要
※ 成績証明書は自動発行機で発行してください PWを忘れた場合は、大学院担当(275号室)へ
※ 科目番号が不明な場合は、物理教務事務室で過去の便覧、履修案内にて確認可能です。
Transfer of Credits for Doctoral Students
Credits of graduate courses excessively earned during Master's program can be transferred to the Doctoral program.
Submission documents: transcript of the Master's program and Notification of Credit transfer
* Transcripts can be issued by the automatic issuing machine. (If you lost your password, please contact Graduate School Office (Room 275)).
* Please tell your academic supervisor in advance.
* The course codes can be checked in the School of Science Handbooks and Graduate School Course Information at the Physics Academic Affairs Office.
Submit to:Physics Academic Affairs Office (Room 208, Faculty of Science Bldg.1), via Campus mailing service, mail by Japan Post, or Online Submission Box.