[finished] ipi seminar 17:00-18:30, Tuesday Jan. 17, 2023

知の物理学研究センター / Institute for Physics of Intelligence (ipi)

【Date】Jan 17, 2023 5:00 - 6:30 PM (JST)

【Speaker】Taro Hitosugi /The University of Tokyo・Tokyo Institute for Technology

【Title】“Machine learning and robots change the way of our research”【Abstract】The emergence of autonomous experimental systems integrating machine learning and robots is ushering in a paradigm shift in materials science. Using computer algorithms and robots to decide and perform all experimental steps, these systems require no human intervention. A current direction focuses on discovering unexpected materials and theories with unconventional research approaches. The talk reviews the latest achievements and discusses the impact of autonomous experimental systems, which will fundamentally change the way we understand research. Moreover, as autonomous experimental systems continue to develop, the need to think about the role of human researchers becomes more pressing. We need to understand the strengths and limitations of machine learning and robots, and focus on how humans can perform higher creativity.

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