2024年度 大学院カリキュラム/AY2024 Curriculum for the Graduate Courses
学生向けお知らせ 2024/07/25
<目次> お知らせ 授業日程 時間割 授業内容 研究倫理 集中講義 履修登録 単位移行 単位互換
Link to English translation
授業時間は、105 分となります。
理学クラスター講義 (研究科共通科目)
提出期限:集中講義の開講日前日17:00 (開講初日が月曜、祝日明けの場合、直近の平日17:00)
提出先:理学部1号館2階 理学系研究科等学務課大学院担当275号室
※ 指導教員の押印は必要はありませんが、受講には指導教員の許可が必要です。
※ 直接提出、郵送可(締切必着)、メールでの提出可(理学系研究科等学務課大学院担当 daigakuin.s[at]gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
※ 大学院の授業科目については、原則として、留学生から希望があった場合は英語で授業を行う。但し、集中講義については講義開始の1ヶ月前までに担当教員または、物理教務に申し出ること。期日を過ぎてから申し出た場合は英語での対応ができないことがある。
Sセメスター Aセメスター
提出書類:単位移行届( xlsx / pdf )と修士課程の成績証明書
提出先 :物理教務(理1号館208号室) 学内便、郵便、受け取りフォルダへの提出
※ 指導教員の押印が必要
※ 成績証明書は自動発行機で発行してください PWを忘れた場合は、大学院担当(275号室)へ
※ 科目番号が不明な場合は、物理教務事務室で過去の便覧、履修案内にて確認可能です。
Curriculum for the Graduate students
Curriculum for the Graduate Course 英訳版でき次第差し替え
Graduate School Course Information 2024
One class stays as 105 minutes.
AY2024 Graduate Curriculum timetable
About Courses
Please check: UTAS-syllabus, UTOL or UTokyo Online Course Catalogue
Research Ethics
Intensive Courses
Intensive courses are listed in theCurriculum timetable of the Dept. of Physics. Also, check the UTAS-syllabus for specific dates.
Cluster Courses website (common courses between the undergraduate and graduate programs, in Japanese only)
How to register intensive courses
->During the registration period: UTAS
->After the registration period Registration Form for Intensive Courses2022-(graduate students only)
-submission deadline: by 17:00, a day before the first class of the intensive course(17:00 of the last weekday in case the date of the first class is on Monday or a national holiday.)
-submission to: the above Registration Form directly to the Graduate School Office (Room275, Faculty of Science Bldg.1), or attach to an email to [ daigakuin.s[at]gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp ]. Mailing by Japan Post is OK, but must arrive in time.
*Please make sure to get approval from your academic supervisor prior to submission. (Signature or seal of your academic supervisor is not required.)
*Courses at the Graduate School of Science are conducted in English in principle upon request from international students.
However, when they wish to take an intensive course in English, they are required to make a request to either professor in
charge or the relevant department office up to one month before the course begins. The request after the deadline may not be
Course Registration
S semester A semester
Transfer of Credits (Doctoral Students)
Credits of graduate courses excessively earned during your Master's program can be transferred to the Doctoral program.
Submission documents: "Notification of Credit transfer" (xlsx / pdf ) + your transcript of the Master's program
Submit to: Physics Academic Affairs Office (Room 208, Faculty of Science Bldg.1), via Campus mailing service, Japan Post, or Online Submission Box.
* The signature or seal of your academic supervisor is required. Digital stamp and a scanned file of the stamped document are OK. In case you cannot get neither of them, please attach the approval email from the supervisor.
* Transcripts can be issued by the automatic issuing machine. (If you lost your password, please contact Graduate School Office at Room 275).
* In case you do not know the course code, please come to the Physics Academic Affairs Office where the School of Science Handbooks and Course Information in the past are stocked.
Mutual Credit Exchange
Mutual Credit Exchange with other Universities (in Japanese only)