物理学専攻博士課程支援リサーチ・アシスタント(物理RA) 2019度第二回募集/ Second Recruitment of RA for Grants for PhD Students of Department of Physics

学生向けお知らせ 2019/08/15

Updated as of  August 15, 2019

1. 募集の内容
Recruitment Details

This is to announce a recruitment of RA in order to promote research in the Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science.

2. 募集の対象
Eligible Students for Recruitment


※ 理学系RAおよび博士課程研究遂行協力制度RAに採用されている学生も応募出来る。
※ 以下の学生は応募出来ない。
- リーディング大学院プログラム奨励金受給者
- 日本学術振興会特別研究員
- 国費留学生
- グローバルサイエンスコース生
- 理研JRA
- 上記と同等またはそれ以上の給与奨学金を受給している学生
- 高エネルギー加速器研究機構および宇宙科学研究所所属の学生
- すでに本物理RAに採用されている学生は対象外。
※ 休学中は給与は支給されない。

Eligible students for recruitment are those who are enrolled on the doctoral course of Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo as of October 1st, 2019.

※ Students who are recruited as “the RA for The University of Tokyo Grants for PhD Research" and “the RA for School of Science Grants for PhD Students” can also apply for this RA.
※ The following students are not eligible to apply.
- Students of the Leading Graduate Courses
- JSPS DC-fellows
- Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Student
- GSGC Course Student
- Riken JRA
- students who are receiving any scholarship grants similar to or better than the above grants
- Students belonging to High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
- students who are already recruited as this Physics Department RA .
※ Allowance is not paid during a leave of absence from university.

3. 給与

月額支給 20,000円 ※1, ※2, ※3
Monthly Payment:JPY20,000  ※1, ※2, ※3

※1 本給与は税法上「給与所得」の取扱いとなり、他に所得がある場合は額によって確定申告が必要になることがあります。 また年間収入(1-12月)が103万円を超過すると被扶養者からはずれ、扶養者は扶養控除を受けられなくなります。 また130万円を超えると健康保険料を払うことになります。博士課程研究協力制度などの他の所得も含めて、1-12月間の年間収入に注意してください。 なお、この件に関しては扶養者の加入する保険制度により対応が異なるため、事務は個別の問い合わせには応じません。
※2 本制度は、東京大学博士課程研究遂行協力制度および理学系研究科博士課程学生支援制度RAとの重複が可能である。
※3 本制度は、物理学専攻に属する物理学教室および関連部局の予算の援助の下、実施している。

※1 Please note that this income is regarded as “earned income” and therefore, if you have other incomes, you may need to declare it for final tax return depending upon the total amount of income.  Moreover, in case your annual income (January to December) exceeds JPY1.03 million, you will be excluded from the category of a dependent thus the supporter of your family will not be entitled to a tax deduction. In addition, if your total income exceeds JPY1.3 million, you will need to pay the health insurance premium.  Please pay a close attention to the total annual income from January to December, including any other incomes such as The University of Tokyo Grants for PhD Research.  Also, please note that this issue should be dealt with differently depending upon the health insurance scheme in which the supporter of your family is enrolled thus Physics Department Office will not  respond to any respective inquiries you may have.

※2 The applicants for this RA can apply for the other RA (RA for The University of Tokyo Grants for PhD Research and the RA for School of Science Grants for PhD Students) within the same fiscal year.

※3 This program is implemented under the support of the budget of the related sections and of the laboratories belonging to the Department of Physics.

4. 採用期間
Recruitment Period

2019年10月1日 から 2020年3月31日 まで
From October 1st, 2019 To March 31st, 2020

5. 応募書類、提出先
Application Materials Required

(1) こちらからダウンロードして、書類をexcelでメール添付の上、物理学専攻事務室 jimu-phys.s@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp まで送ること。(捺印は不要。)
Please download the form from here and attached it in an excel file to an email to Physics Department Office, RA section : jimu-phys.s@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp (No seal is necessary.)
(The document is written in Japanese.  If you do not understand Japanese, please ask your supervisor or colleagues for translation.)

(2) 指導教員に推薦を依頼し、以下の内容をメール本文に記入の上、博士支援担当 jimu-phys.s@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp  まで送ってもらうこと
(i) 教員名、(ii) 推薦する学生の氏名、(iii) 学生の研究課題名、(iv) 物理学専攻RAヘの推薦の可否
(2) Ask your supervisor to send following information by email to the Physics Department Office, RA section : hakaseshien@phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
(i) Supervisor’s Name, (ii) Name of the applicant, (iii) Title of the applicant's research project, (iv) Do you recommend the student as a Research Assistant (RA) in the Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science? (yes / no)

6. 応募書類提出期限
Submission Deadline for Application

2019年9月19日(木)17:00 / September 19 (Thu.) 17:00

7. 選考方法
The Selection Method

The selection of applicants to be recruited shall be conducted by Selection Committee established by this program.

8. 採用者決定の時期と通知
Decision and Notification of Recruitment

採用者の決定及び通知は、2019年9月下旬に申請書記載のメールアドレスへ通知予定。万が一通知がない場合は博士支援担当 (jimu-phys.s@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp ) までご連絡下さい。
The decision made on the recruitment shall be notified to the email addresses specified in the applications by late September, 2019. In case you do not receive the notification email, please contact the RA section (jimu-phys.s@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp ).

Research Report

The recruited students are required to write a research report and submit it to Physics Department Office at the end of the fiscal year.Details will be announced later.

Contact Point

物理学専攻 博士支援担当 (E-mail: jimu-phys.s@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp )
Physics Department Office, RA section (E-mail: jimu-phys.s@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp )

関連リンク : 2019年度
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