(2022S) 在学延長・退学・休学の手続き期限/ Notice for Extension of Enrollment Period, Withdrawal, Leave of Absence

学生向けお知らせ 2022/02/02

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対象学生:2022年4月1日(Sセメスター)から在学期間延長・退学・休学等を希望する学生 または
提出: 物理教務事務室(理学部1号館2階208号室)・学内便可・郵送可・ NEW!!! スキャンデータでの提出可Upload) 


Deadline: Monday, 7 February, 2022. 
Students concerned:
-those who wish to extend their enrollment period, withdraw from their program, or apply for leave of absence from 1 April, 2022 (S Semester) or,
-those who are already in the period of leave of absence or study abroad by 31 March, 2022
Submission to: Physics Academic Affairs Office, the form is also acceptable by postal mail or campus mail. Scanned form is also acceptable (Upload).
       (#208, Faculty of Science Bldg. 1)

Please check the following for more detail.

関連リンク : 2021年度 教務室
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