お問い合わせ(在学生向け) Information for Students
物理学科・専攻のメーリングリスト/Mailing List for Underdraduate and Graduate Students of Department of Physics
部局別副担当教員(大学院学生対象)/Sub-academic supervisor by Department(for Graduate students)
お問い合わせ/For Inquiries
物理学科・専攻のメーリングリスト/Mailing List for Underdraduate and Graduate Students of Department of Physics
※ 配信先が携帯電話のアドレスである場合、次のメールアドレスはドメイン指定の設定で受信可能としてください
As an additional communication measure, we create a mailing list based upon E-mail address① contained in Students' Personal Information field on UTAS. If you wish to change the email address registered as the delivery destination to receive the mailing List, please make a request using the form below, after you have changed the contact information on UTAS.
»Application form for the change of email address
※ Please note that in case the delivery destination is a mobile phone e-mail address, you are not able to receive the mailing List unless you set the e-mail address of Physical Academic Affairs Office to receiving from the specified domain.
部局別副担当教員(大学院学生対象)/Sub-academic supervisor by Department/(for Graduate students)
Please be informed that Department of Physics provide a sub-academic supervisor for your assistance.
In case you feel uncomfortable consulting with your immediate academic supervisor, please contact your
sub-academic supervisor for assistance.
>>Here is the list of sub-academic supervisors for this fiscal year
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お問い合わせ/For Inquiries
東京大学 理学部物理学科・理学系研究科物理学専攻 教務担当
事務取扱時間:平日 午前9時 ~ 午後5時
Physics Academic Affairs Office
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Graduate School of Science
The University of Tokyo
Office hours: Weekdays :9:00 am ~ 5:00pm
(Closed Weekdays 12:00pm ~ 12:45pm /Saturdays, Sundays and National holidays)
住所:〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1 理学部1号館208号室
電話番号:03-5841-4221(直通) ・ 内線:24221
FAX:03-5841-4153 E-mail:gakumu-phys.s[AT]gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Address: Rm#208, No.1 School of Science Bldg., 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033
Phone No.: 03-5841-4221(Direct)・Extension:24221
FAX:03-5841-4153 E-mail:gakumu-phys.s[AT]gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp