[終了しました]ipi seminar [オンライン開催] 2023年12月12日(火)10:30~12:00

知の物理学研究センター / Institute for Physics of Intelligence (iπ)

【日時/Date】2023年12月12日(火)10時30分~12時 / Dec. 12, 2023, 10:30 - 12:00 (JST)

【発表者/Speaker】植村 誠 氏(広島大学)

【タイトル/Title】“Data Science in Astronomy and Observation of Galactic Transients”【概要/Abstract】Exploring initial phases of astronomical transient events provides key insights
into their fundamental physical mechanisms, but choosing the right observation
mode immediately after discovery remains a challenge. In this seminar, we
present the Smart Kanata system, an automated decision-maker for optimal
follow-up observations of galactic transient, especially cataclysmic variables.
Using the Kanata 1.5-m telescope in Hiroshima, the system estimates event
class probability with a Bayesian classifier, determines the best observation
mode through mutual information, and controls the telescope and instruments
accordingly. This approach allows timely data collection for understanding the
object's nature, even without domain experts in the observatory. As a case study,
we explore early superhumps in WZ Sge-type dwarf novae, offering a unique
opportunity to reconstruct the geometrical structure of accretion disks using data
from the initial phase of the outburst.

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世話人:知の物理学研究センター 髙橋昂, 中西健

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