理学系研究科物理学専攻リサーチ・アシスタント Research Assistant (RA) in Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science

学生向けお知らせ 2017/07/19

平成29年7月19日 July 19, 2017

平成29年度 博士課程研究遂行協力制度および
平成29年度 理学系研究科博士課程学生支援制度リサーチ・アシスタント(理学系RA)

Common Recruitment Guidelines for
the 2017 Research Assistant for The University of Tokyo Grants for PhD Research and
the 2017 Research Assistant for School of Science Grants for PhD Students


1. 募集の内容
Recruitment Details

・博士課程研究遂行協力制度についてはこちらの実施要項 も参照すること。
 For the University of Tokyo Grants for PhD Research RA, please also see here (in Japanese).

2. 給与、委嘱期間
Allowance and Requirement Period

 From September 1, 2017 To February 28, 2018 (6 month)

 月額支給 50,000円 ※1 ※2
 Monthly Payment: JPY50,000  ※1 ※2

 ※1 各学生が委嘱されるのは博士課程研究遂行協力制度と理学系RAのいずれか一方のみである。
 ※2 学術研究業務単価(月額)は、税法上「給与所得」の取扱いとなるので、他に所得がある場合は、確定申告など所定の手続きを行うこと。また他の所得と合わせて一定の年収を超える場合は、所得税法上の扶養控除を受けられないことや、親の健康保険の被扶養者から外れる場合があるので、注意すること。

 ※1 Each student is recruited either as an RA for The University of Tokyo Grants or as an RA for School of Science Grants.
 ※2 Please note that this income is regarded as “earned income” and therefore, if you have other incomes, you may need to declare it for final tax return. Moreover, in case your annual income (January to December) exceeds certain amount, you may be excluded from the category of a dependent and thus the supporter of your family will not be entitled to a tax deduction.

3. 募集の対象
Eligible Students for Recruitment

 物理学専攻RA に採用されている者も応募できる。

 Eligible students for recruitment are those who are enrolled on the doctoral course of Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo. Students of the Leading Graduate Courses, JSPS DC-fellows, Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Students, GSGC Course Students, and those who are receiving any scholarship grants similar to or better than these grants are not eligible to apply.
 Those who are recruited as an RA for Grants for PhD Students of Department of Physics can apply.
 Allowance is not paid during a leave of absence from university.

4. 応募書類提出期限
Submission Deadline for Application

   2017 August 8 (Tue.)  17:00

5. 提出書類

 Please download it from here (The document is written in Japanese. If you do not understand Japanese, please ask your supervisor or colleagues for help.)

今年度物理学専攻RA に申請した方は、(1)~(4)のみを提出すること。
※ If you applied for RA for Grants for PhD Students of Department of Physics for this fiscal year, please submit (1)~(4) only.

(1)博士課程学生支援制度委嘱申請書 Application Form for RA for School of Science Grants
(2)学術研究遂行協力計画書(研究遂行様式1)Research Plan       
(4)学生証のコピー  a copy of your student ID card

Otherwise please also submit the following documents. (If you do not understand Japanese, please contact: hakaseshien@phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp.)

(5)給与の口座振込申出書 Bank Account Information           
(6)平成29年分扶養控除等異動申告書(今年度、提出済みの場合は不要)Declaration of Dependents' Exemption for Salary Earners
    ① マイナンバーのコピー
    ② 学生証のコピー
    ③ マイナンバー 利用同意書 兼 届出書(所定様式)
  ※ マイナンバーの書類については、過去に提出済みの場合は不要。東京大学大学院理学研究科物理専攻 物理事務室以外に提出した場合は提出先を知らせて下さい。

“My Number (National Identification Card)” documents:
Enclose all of the documents below in an envelope, write down your name and student ID number on the front side of the envelope. Please ensure it is completely sealed.

① A copy of “My Number Notification Card”, or a copy of a certificate on which “My Number” is specified, such as a certificate of residence, etc.
② A copy of Student ID Card (a certificate with a photographic portrait) ※In case “My Number Card” has a photographic portrait, a copy of Student ID Card is not necessary to be submitted.
③ Letter of Consent for a use of “My Number” and/or Application for My Number (PDF output affixed with the applicant’s hanko or signature)

If you have submitted the “My number” documents to University before, it is not necessary to submit it again. In that case, please let it us know when you submit the other documents.

6. 提出先について

提出書類をメール添付の上、物理学専攻事務室 jimu-phys.s@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp まで送ること。(捺印は不要。)
Please send the document via email to Physics Department Office:  jimu-phys.s@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp  (You do not have to put your seal.)

If you have to submit the documents (6) and/or (7), please submit them to:

(受付時間10:00-17:00、但し12:00-13:00を除く)電話 03-5841-4241
Physics Department Office (Rm. #234, Central Wing, Faculty of Science Building 1)
(Operation hours: 10:00-17:00; excepting 12:00-13:00)Phone: 03-5841-4241

 or send the documents by postal mail to the address as below. (Submission by The University internal mail is not acceptable)

〒113-0033 文京区本郷7-3-1
東京大学大学院理学系研究科物理学専攻事務室 RA担当宛
Research Assistant section, Physics Department Office,
Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, 113-0033

海外出張中などで郵送が困難な場合にはメールで hakaseshien@phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp まで問い合わせること。
In case it is difficult to send the documents by postal mail, for example, when you are on an overseas trip, please make an inquiry to hakaseshien@phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp.

7. 選考方法
The Selection Process

The selection of applicants to be recruited shall be conducted by Selection Committees established by the respective program.

8. 採用者決定の時期と通知
Time of Decision and Notification of Recruitment

E-mail: hakaseshien@phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp

The decision made on the recruitment shall be notified to the email addresses specified in the applications around the end of August , 2017.

9. 研究報告
Research Report

The recruited students are required to write a research report and submit it to Physics Department Office at the end of the fiscal year.  Details will be announced later.

10. 問い合わせ窓口
Contact Point:

物理学専攻 博士支援担当 (E-mail: hakaseshien@phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp )
Physics Department Office, RA section (E-mail: hakaseshien@phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp )

(受付時間10:00-17:00、但し12:00-13:00を除く)   電話 03-5841-4241

Physical Affairs Office (Rm. #234, Central Wing, Faculty of Science Building 1)
(Operation hours: 10:00-17:00; excepting 12:00-13:00)      Phone: 03-5841-4241

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