2019年度 総長賞・理学部・理学系研究科奨励賞

受賞・表彰 2020/03/26

The following 12sudents in the Dept. of Physics won the School of Science Encouragement Award for Undergraduate and Graduate programs. 
Award ceremonies took place for graduate programs on March 23, and for the undergraduate program on March 24, 2020. Professor Yamamoto, the Dean of the Department, handed a testimonial to each student.

理学部 学修奨励賞 受賞者/The School of Science Encouragement Award (Undergraduate program)
青木 匠(AOKI Takumi)
高橋 拓豊(TAKAHASHI Hiroto)
増木 亮太(MASUKI Ryota)

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理学系研究科研究奨励賞 修士課程 受賞者/The School of Science Encouragement Award (Master program)
小野 清志郎(ONO Seishiro)
川田 拓弥(KAWADA Takuya)
永井 瞭(NAGAI Ryo)
廣瀬 葉菜(HIROSE Hana)

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理学系研究科研究奨励賞博士後期課程受賞者/The School of Science Encouragement Award (Doctoral program)
猪又 敬介(INOMATA Keisuke)
濱崎 立資(HAMAZAKI Ryusuke)
室谷 悠太(MUROTANI Yuta)
吉岡 信行(YOSHIOKA Nobuyuki)
和田 有希(WADA Yuuki)

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過去の奨励賞/The School of Science Encouragement Award in the past
2016年度 (AY2016)
2015年度 (AY2015)

Ohter awarded students in the Faculty of Science are here.

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