令和4年3月博士課程修了/ for completing Doctor's Degree in March 2022

The following information is for students who wish to complete your degree on 24 March, 2022. We will update this page as needed.

  1. 対象者/Eligibility
  2. 学位申請者≪課程博士≫の手引き/Submission guidelines for diploma applicants
  3. 論文題目の決定、論文の本文を書く言語の選択/The title of your dissertation, The language of your dissertation
  4. 博士論文審査会 発表スケジュール/Dissertation defense committee schedule
  5. 理学系研究科の論文提出期間/Submission period for dissertations to the GSS
      論文提出予約システム/Reservation System of Doctoral Dissertation Submission
      学位記記載事項確認/Confirmation of the "Diploma Registration Certificate"
  6. 理学系研究科受付後、物理学専攻締切/The deadline for the Dept. of Physics comes after the reception at the GSS
  7. 論文の審査に合格した方へ/ For students whose dissertation passed the defense
  8. 1月の審査期間中に論文が合格に至らなかった方へ / To those whose thesis did not pass the defense in January [added on January 18 ]
  9. 「進路状況調査」への回答/ Response to "Exit Survey of Post-Graduation Plans"
  10. 学位記授与式/ Commencement ceremony
  11. 理学系研究科学位記伝達式/ The ceremony for the GSS commencement  [updated on March 2 ]
  12. 参考/Reference


Doctoral students who were enrolled before April 1, 2019 and are scheduled to complete their degree on March 24, 2022.

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学位申請者≪課程博士≫の手引き/Submission guidelines for diploma applicants

The guidelines and electronic files of specific formats were sent to the students in the 3rd year of doctoral program by email on 21 October, 2021.


-Only the "Letter of Consent and Acceptance" format is available in English. For others, use Japanese formats.

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論文題目の決定、論文の本文を書く言語の選択/The title of your dissertation, The language of your dissertation (Japanese / English)

The title of the thesis and the language to be used are supposed to be registered in the thesis system of the Department of Physics by your academic supervisor in early October.

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博士論文審査会 発表スケジュール/Dissertation defense committee schedule

スケジュール/Schedule Updating as needed.

All defenses will be basically held online this term. The schedule will be informed around mid-December.
Defense period : January 4 (Tue.) - January 26 (Wed.),2022

- 口頭による論文内容の説明:約40分
- 主査の司会による公開質疑応答:約20分
- 非公開の審査:~60分
A defense committee is scheduled to be about two hours.
Breakdown of two hours;
- Presentation by the author student: about 40 min
- Questions and answers: about 20 min
- Closed-door discussion: ~60 min

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理学系研究科の論文提出期間/Submission period for dissertations to the GSS

提出期間: 2021年12月20日(月)~12月22日(水)【締切厳守】要事前予約
受付時間: 午前9:30~11:30/午後1:30~4:30
受付場所:  理学部1号館271号室(理学系研究科大学院担当)  
- 論文表紙及び全ての書類において、論文題目の記載を完全一致(半角全角、記号、スペース、下付き/上付き数字、和訳等含む)させてください。
- 期間中に論文提出できない場合は3月修了ができません。その場合には審査委員会を解散する必要があるため、指導教員が物理教務へメールにてご連絡ください。

To the GSS HP
Submission period: December 20 (Mon.) - December 22 (Wed.), 2021 (no later than the deadline) reservation is necessary
Submissions Accepted: 9:30 to 11:30 am / 1:30 to 16:30 pm
Venue: Room 271, 2nd floor, Science Bldg. 1.
   After you have visited Room 271 to apply for your degree, please drop in to PAAO at Room 208.
-Please make sure that the title of your dissertation is spelled perfectly coincide (including single-and double-byte characters, marks, spacing, superscripts, and subscripts) on the cover and all other related documents.
-Students who failed to submit their dissertation during the period cannot complete in March. In that case, please make sure that the academic supervisor informs the Physics Academic Affairs Office to disban the defense committee by e-mail.

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論文提出予約システム/Reservation System of Doctoral Dissertation Submission

論文提出の事前予約URL: https://airrsv.net/academic-affairs-202103/calendar
※ 論文申請期間中に発熱や濃厚接触者として認定されたことにより自宅待機となった場合の対応は、理学系研究科の大学院担当へご相談ください。

Reservation URL for submission: https://airrsv.net/academic-affairs-202103/calendar
The system opens at 10:00, Wednesday, 1 December 2021.
Instruction for reservation(pdf file)
* In case you had to stay at home because you had fever or became one of close contacts, please contact the Graduate School Office.

学位記記載事項確認/Confirmation of the "Diploma Registration Certificate"

You check it when you submit your dissertation to the Graduate School of Science.

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主査・副査への論文提出期限/Submission deadline for the defense committee members (after the submission to GSS)

( 主査による物理教務への受領確認:12月27日(月)まで )
* 主査、副査へ事前に連絡を取り、どのような方法で論文の受け取りを希望されるのか伺うようにしてください。
* 理学系研究科への論文提出後に、同じ内容のものを提出してください。

Submission deadline to the Chair committee and Vice committees: 17:00, Friday, 24 December, 2021
( Receipt confirmation by the Chair committee to the Physics Academic Affairs Office: Monday, 27 December, 2021 )
* Please contact the Chair and Vice committees in advance and ask how they would like to receive your dissertation.
* After submission of the dissertation to GSS, the same should be submitted.

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論文の審査に合格した方へ/ For students whose dissertation passed the defense



ファイル名の例) 35187001_本郷太郎_要旨.pdf

Deadline:4:00 pm, February 22 (Tue.), 2022
-Submission of the dissertation in full binding
-Link: submission of electronic data

<Files to upload>
All students: summery of the dissertation , the whole dissertation in PDF format
Only corresponding students: summery version (partial publication) of the dissertation

<Electronic File Titles>
Please name the titles as follows.
Summery of the dissertation: students ID number_your name_summery
E.g.) 35187001_HongoTaro_summery.pdf

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1月の審査期間中に論文が合格に至らなかった方へ / To those whose thesis did not pass the defense in January


  1. 博士課程の在学期間を延長(1年間)し、論文審査を継続する。年度の途中に修了が可能。
  2. 単位取得満期退学し、論文審査を継続する。年度の途中に学位取得が可能。
  3. 学位申請を「撤回」し、単位取得満期退学をする。(審査は終了する。)退学後3年以内に学位申請が可能。
  4. 学位申請を「撤回」し、在学期間を延長する。(審査は終了する。) 在学期間中に再度学位申請が可能。





To those whose thesis did not pass the defense in January,
Several options are available for the students whose thesis did not pass the defense.  Please consult your academic supervisor by the end of Januay and provide us appropriate documents.

  1. Extend the enrollment period (for another year) and make your thesis as an ongoing case. It is possible to get a degree even in the middle of the semester.
    The tuition has to be paid basically for each semester, twice a year.  PAAO will inform you if monthly payment is applicable. Full term withdrawal or leave of absence can be taken during the enrollment period.
  2. Choose full term withdrawal with credits and make your thesis as an ongoing case. It is possible to get a degree even in the middle of the semester.
  3. “Withdraw” your application for PhD degree and choose full term withdrawal with credits. (The defense will be closed.) Application for a degree can be made within three years after the withdrawal.
  4. “Withdraw” your application for PhD degree and extend your enrollment period.  (The defense will be closed.) Application for a degree can be made during your enrollment period.

One year is given to ongoing screening, and it starts from the date of degree application.

Approval from your academic supervisor is essential for the Notice for Extension of Enrollment Period and the Request for Withdrawal.  The maximum period for a doctoral student to stay in the program is five years and to take leave of absence is three years. Those who extended your enrollment status in October, no procedure is necessary this time.
Approval from the Chair of the defense is essential for the Request for Withdrawal from Degree Application. The defense committee will stay unless the Request is submitted.

In case you intend to complete in the middle of an academic year, it will take some time from the end of the defense until the PhD degree.  The procedure will be conducted by the Chair.

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「進路状況調査」への回答/"Exit Survey of Post-Graduation Plans"



Eligibility: All graduating students and Students withdrawing with academic credits
Where to submit: Online (UTAS)
Around February or March, the Graduate School of Science will send a request for the Exit Survey through UTAS. Those who are eligible must respond.

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学位記授与式/ Commencement ceremony

東京大学 学位記授与式

Commencement date: Thursday, 24 March, 2022
The University of Tokyo Diploma Presentation Ceremony

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理学系研究科学位記伝達式/ The ceremony for the GSS commencement

理学系HPで詳細をご確認ください。 [updated on 2022/1/27 ]
Find out more on the Graduate School of Science website.

* 学生証が回収されますのでお持ちください。
* All student ID cards will be collected. Please make sure to bring your student ID card with you.

Graduates are announced on UTAS on 2 March,2022.

理学系研究科から修了者への通知/ Notice from the GSS to Graduates  [updated on 2022/3/2 ]

English follows

物理学専攻博士課程修了者 殿

令和4年3月24日付けで博士(理学)の 学位を授与することと決定しましたの

日時 : 令和4年3月24日(木)   午前11時00分~
場所 : 理学部1号館中央棟2階小柴ホール

   注)10分 前までに受付を済ませ、指示に従い着席して下さい。席の指定は出
※参考:令和3年度 東京大学学位記授与式・卒業式について


□   出  席 します。
□  欠  席 します。

           専攻  氏名               〒      



                        March 1, 2022
Ph.D. Recipients of Dept. of Physics
Graduate School Office,
               The Graduate School of Science, 
               The University of Tokyo

The Ceremony for the GSS commencement - March 2022 (Notice)
You are cordially invited to The Ceremony for the GSS commencement -
March 2022 as Doctoral degree is conferred as a result of the screening
of your doctoral dissertation.

Date/Time :  March 24 2022, Thursday   11:00am~ 
Venue   :  Faculty of Science Bldg 1, Area C, 2F Koshiba Hall   
   Note: Seats will only be assigned to those that have confirmed their
participation. On the day of the commencement ceremony, attendees must
register and be in their assigned seats by 10:50am.
Please wear a mask in the venue to prevent the spread of the COVID-19
Only doctoral students (who have completed all requirements) are
eligible to participate in the commencement.
For family members of students, we would like to ask that you refrain
from visiting campus.
※ The University of Tokyo 2022  Diploma Presentation/Commencement Ceremony.
-------------------- Attendance Form -----------------------
※Please confirm your participation with us by March 10, 2022 (Thursday)
The Ceremony for the GSS commencement - on March 24, 2022
□ Attending
□ Not Attending           

(*If you will not be attending the commencement, please fill in delivery
address to receive your diploma by registered mail.)
Department       Name          〒         address
                                    Country            Tel
    Mail to daigakuin.s@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp

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* 修了式における式服(アカデミックガウン)

令和3年3月博士課程修了/ for completing Doctor's Degree in March 2019

* Academic gown for University's ceremony
Outline and how-to dress academic gowns (UT website)
Rental/Purchase procedure (UT co-op website)
〔Contact Information〕
UTokyo co-op store No.2 (Hongo)

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