[終了しました] ipi seminar [ハイブリッド開催] 2024年10月7日(月)14:00~15:30
知の物理学研究センター / Institute for Physics of Intelligence (iπ)
理学部1号館9階913セミナー室 & Zoom
吉田 直紀 先生
西道 啓博 先生(京都産業大学)
"Emulators in Cosmological Inference Problem"
Cosmological large-scale structures are shaped by nonlinear processes mainly driven by gravity. Previous analysis methods rely on theoretical templates that are based on perturbative expansion about the linear solution, restricting the extraction of information to large, mildly nonlinear, scales. On the other hand, N-body simulations can uncover structures on smaller scales, until non-gravitational effects such as gas cooling and feedback processes eventually become a factor. However, their high computational cost hinders the direct use in statistical inference. In this talk, I will discuss the emulator approach as a potential solution. In particular, I will present our Dark Quest simulation project and its applications to the SDSS and HSC datasets. I will briefly touch on the future direction of the whole analysis framework, which involves coupling simulators and observations for automated knowledge acquisition.
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世話人:知の物理学研究センター 髙橋昂