[終了しました] ipi seminar [ハイブリッド開催] 2024年12月2日(月)10:30~12:00

知の物理学研究センター / Institute for Physics of Intelligence (iπ)



山本 新 先生(福嶋研究室)

Lingxiao Wang 先生(RIKEN-iTHEMS)

"Physics-Driven Deep Learning for Solving Inverse Problems"

The essence of discovery in the physical sciences is rooted in the inverse engineering of observational data. The integration of deep learning and physics-driven designs is reforming the way we address this inverse problems. Starting from a probabilistic perspective, this talk highlights the advances and potential of physics-driven learning methods, focusing on predictions of quantities in the physical sciences and physical interpretations of deep generative models. Practical examples include the reconstruction of spectral functions from correlation functions, the extraction of hadron forces from lattice QCD, and the inference of the dense matter equation of states from compact star observations. In addition, generative models are introduced as inverse modeling of physical probability distributions. This picture can help us to detect phase transitions directly from observations in energy-based models, and to link the quantum world with image generation in diffusion models. In the end, I will give a workflow how physicists can solve their own inverse problems with specific domain knowledge.

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          世話人:知の物理学研究センター 髙橋昂

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