物理学教室 談話会(8月1日)

コロキウム・談話会 2023/06/26

【日 時】2023年8月1日(火) 13:00~14:30
【講演者】Martin Alexander Rodriguez-Vega  
(Editor of Physical Review Letters,the American Physical Society)
【場 所】理学部4号館 1220号室

【タイトル】Physical Review Letters: Welcoming Applied and Materials Science

In this talk, I'll provide an editor's perspective on publishing in Physical Review Letters, the American Physical Society's flagship journal. First, I'll cover general information about the journal, including its recently-updated acceptance criteria, which now welcomes more applied and materials science research. I'll then describe the peer-review process as seen from the editor's desk, including recommendations for writing and reviewing manuscripts. Finally, I'll explore the broader initiatives undertaken by the Physical Review journals to foster inclusivity for applied and materials science papers.
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