物理学教室 談話会(8月28日)

コロキウム・談話会 2023/07/25


【日 時】2023年8月28日(月) 仁科アジア賞授与式:13:30~  講演:14:00~15:30
【講演者】Prof. Suvrat Raju
(International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bengaluru, India)
【場 所】理学部4号館1220号室
【タイトル】Holography of information, gravitational constraints and black-hole evaporation

A theory of gravity localizes quantum information differently from nongravitational quantum field theories. This effect, called the holography of information, arises as a consequence of the gravitational constraints. A precise version of this property can be established using an asymptotic analysis while making only weak assumptions about the ultraviolet completion of the low-energy theory.  For simple low-energy states, this property can also be studied in perturbation theory. I will describe how holography of information is manifested in asymptotically anti-de Sitter space, asymptotically flat space, and asymptotically de Sitter space. I will also discuss implications for evaporating black-holes and show how accounting for this feature of gravity leads to a resolution of several puzzles.




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