令和4年9月修士課程修了/ for completing Master's Degree in September 2022

学生向けお知らせ 2022/06/13

The following information is for students who intend to complete their degree on 22 September, 2022.

目次 / INDEX

修士論文の提出要領/Submission guideline

提出期限:令和4年7月7日(木)17:00 (期限厳守)
部数 :3部 (主査用1部・副査用2部)

最終版提出期限:令和4年8月9日(火) 17:00 (期限厳守)
提出先:物理教務事務室へ *指導教員に了承を得てから学生が提出してください

修士論文最終版 作成要項;
・緑のフラットファイル (A4S)を使用
- 本文が英語の場合は英語の題目と改行のうえカッコ書き“( )”で日本語の題目を併記
- 本文が日本語の場合は日本語の題目と改行のうえカッコ書き“( )”で英語の題目を併記

Deadline: 17:00, Thu, 7 July, 2022
No submission is accepted after the deadline.
Submit to: your academic supervisor (Chair)
Number of copies: 3 copies (Chair 1/ vice committees 2)
*Formats are not required. Please contact your supervisor in advance to confirm how they would like to receive the thesis.

Final version submission deadline: 17:00, Tue, 9 August , 2022
Submit to: PAAO  *Only after obtaining the approval of your supervisor. 
Number of copy required: one
*We accept the copy of the final version only when the titles on the cover, the spine and the first page in the thesis are spelled perfectly coincide (including one-byte/half-byte, marks, spaces, subscript/superscript numbers, and the Japanese translation).
*The final version of theses will be kept in the Science Library. In order to change the title of the thesis from one listed on the schedule, a “Title Change Form” must be submitted by 10th August.

Thesis Format;
・A4 size / duplex printing
・Flat file (green / A4S)
・Left side bound, the title and your name must be printed on the cover, the spine and the first page. It is recommended to paste a copy of the first page of the thesis on the front cover of the green file.
・The title on the cover and the first page must be written both in Japanese and English.
・The order of putting the title is;
-If the thesis is in English, the Japanese title comes in a new line with brackets "()".
-If the thesis is in Japanese, put the English title in a new line with brackets "()".
・On the spine, the title must be written in the same language as the text of the thesis.
・The Graduate School of Science is requiring the title of your thesis in both Japanese and English; the language you do not use in the text must be also written in brackets "()". *Modification of the thesis format.

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博士課程進学を希望する学生/Students who intend to go on to doctoral programs

出願期間 2022年5月9日~5月31日
出願先 メール本文に記載
* 出願期間を過ぎた願書は一切受理されません。

Application is required even if you are a Master's student of the Dept. of Physics.
(An email will be sent to eligible students and their academic supervisors.)
Application Period: May 9 ~ May 31
Submission to: to be announced in the email.
*No application is accepted after the deadline.
Thesis defense also serves as the admission process to the doctoral program.

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修士論文審査会 発表スケジュール/Master's thesis defense schedule

審査会スケジュール/ Defense Schedule   Updating as needed.

Defense period (TBF) : July 19 (Tue.) ~ August 5 (Fri.), 2022

If you have any changes in the title of your thesis after the schedule is open, you must submit a title change form to PAAO by 9 August.

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「学位記記載事項確認表」の配布/Confirmation of the "Diploma Registration Certificate"

*確認対象者に個別にメールを送ります。We sent out individual emails to the concerned students.
Deadline: **, ** July, 2022

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「進路状況調査」の回答/Exit survey of post-graduation plans

UTASで調査を予定しています。詳細がわかりましたら通知します。The survey will be conducted at UTAS. Details will be notified as soon as available.

Deadline: Tue, 9 August, 2022

Please fill in the survey form below and submit it in hard copy to PAAO by Tue, 9 August with a final version of thesis.
Japanese form / English form

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学位記授与式/Diploma Presentation Ceremony

学位授与日:2022年9月22日(木)Date: September 22 (Thu), 2022
1)東京大学 学位記授与式 / The University of Tokyo Diploma Presentation Ceremony
2)理学系研究科 学位記伝達式/Ceremony for the Commencement of the Graduate School of Science (GSS)
* 詳細は決まり次第掲載します。
The details will be announced as fixed.

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* 修了式における式服(アカデミックガウン)

* Academic gown for University's ceremony
Outline and how-to dress academic gowns (UT website)
Rental/Purchase procedure (UT co-op website)
〔Contact Information〕
UTokyo co-op store No.2 (Hongo)

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関連リンク : 2022年度 教務室
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