2024年度 Aセメスター履修登録【大学院向け】 / Course Registration for Graduate Students for Autumn AY2024

学生向けお知らせ 2024/09/04

履修科目控の提出締切: 2024年10月23日(水) 17:00

① 履修したい科目を考え、指導教員に相談して決める。
② UTASにログインをして、履修登録をする。(”その他”からマニュアルを参照)
③ 科目を登録した後に「履修科目控出力」ボタンからPDFデータ出力
④ ③で印刷した控または、PDFデータを指導教員に提出
⑤ 指導教員は確認の上、余白に署名か捺印をして物理教務へ提出


物理学専攻 大学院時間割(大学院カリキュラムページ)




修士課程1年 35603-2001  物理学特別演習Ⅰ
  35603-3001 物理学特別実験Ⅰ
修士課程2年 35603-2003 物理学特別演習Ⅱ
  35603-3002  物理学特別実験Ⅱ
博士課程1年  35603-2004 物理学特別演習Ⅲ
  35603-3003  物理学特別実験Ⅲ
博士課程2年 35603-2005  物理学特別演習Ⅳ
  35603-3004 物理学特別実験Ⅳ
博士課程3年 35603-2006 物理学特別演習Ⅴ
  35603-3005 物理学特別実験Ⅴ



工学系研究科 物理工学専攻・新領域創成科学研究科

35603-0075  計算物理学
35603-0117 多体問題の計算科学
35603-0074 物質科学
35603-0079 量子情報物理
35603-0126 計算科学・量子計算における情報圧縮

工学系研究科 物理工学専攻

35603-0080   ソフトマター科学
35603-0082 ナノ量子情報エレクトロニクス特論II


35603-0122 量子計算論


35603-0073 非平衡科学


35603-0113 場の量子論特論



ただし、他学部・ 他学科の講義を含めて合計4単位までとし、指導教員の許可を必要とする。これは修士課程と博士課程に共通して適用される。




詳細はこちら 大学院時間割を参照








成績は UTAS で確認すること。

成績公開日は、 月 日となります。※発表され次第掲載します。



物理学専攻 教務事務室
TEL : 03-5841-4221(Ext:24221)

Course registration for A Semester AY2024
 Registration period: October 2 (Wed) - October 16 (Wed)
 Submission deadline of the registration form: October 23 (Wed), 17:00
 Submission to: your academic supervisor

①When you decide the courses you would like to take, consult your academic supervisor for final decision.
②Sign in UTAS and register the courses. (Refer to the manual in the "Other" tab.)
③Click "Create PDF" after your registration.
④Give your course registration sheet electronically or as a printed document to your academic supervisor.
⑤Your academic supervisor will check the file/sheet and put his/her signature or seal in the margin.
*Request to supervisors:  Please check through the courses and make sure that they are related to scientific education and research of Physics as a graduate student of the Dept.
⑥Your academic supervisor will submit the approved file/sheet to PAAO by either the campus mailing service, postal mail or uploading to the Submission Box.  Please put the student ID number and your name in the title of the file.
Submission Box

Notes on registration

・Those who are enrolled in April need to register one of the compulsory courses during the S semester registration period.
・Those who are enrolled in October need to register one of the compulsory courses during the A semester registration period. (Please select a course code with "A" in the end. e.g: 35603-****A)
・Please ask your academic supervisor if you are not sure which one, theoretical or experimental, to take.
・A copy of the course registration does not need to be submitted when you register only the compulsory course.
・Please click 【no courses registered】 when you have no course to register for the semester. No copy of course registration needs to be submitted. 

Master's program 1st year 35603-2001 Seminar in Theoretical Physics I
  35603-3001 Experimental Research I
Master's program 2nd year 35603-2003 Seminar in Theoretical Physics II
  35603-3002 Experimental Research II
Doctoral program 1st year 35603-2004 Seminar in Theoretical Physics III
  35603-3003 Experimental Research III
Doctoral program 2nd year 35603-2005 Seminar in Theoretical Physics IV
  35603-3004 Experimental Research IV
Doctoral program 3rd year 35603-2006 Seminar in Theoretical Physics V
  35603-3005 Experimental Research V

Courses offered by other graduate schools

No restriction is placed on which course you take, unless it is explicitly stated so.  However, you need to get approval from your academic supervisor as well as submit the course registration form.
Register with the course codes set by Graduate School of Science beginning with "35-", since other graduate schools set their own course code.

By the Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences

35603-0075 Computational Physics
35603-0117 Computational Science for Many Body Problems
35603-0074 Material Science
35603-0079 Quantum Information Physics
35603-0126    Data Compression in Computational Science and Quantum Computing

By the Graduate school of Engineering, Department of Applied Physics

35603-0080   Soft Matter Physics
35603-0082 Nano Quantum Information Electronics II

By the Graduate school of Information Science and Technology

35603-0122   Introduction to Quantum Computation

 By the Graduate school of Frontier Sciences

35603-0073 Non-equilibrium Physics

By the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the College of Arts and Sciences

35603-0113 Advanced Quantum Field Theory

Common courses with the undergraduate programs 

Graduate students cannot take the same common lectures that have already been taken during the undergraduate program.
The Department of Physics has a rule concerning the credits from the undergraduate courses as follows.

Graduate students in the Department of Physics may take maximum four credits from courses of other departments upon approval of your academic supervisor.  However, this rule does not apply to the credits from the same courses which are offered both in the undergraduate and graduate programs.

Teacher-training courses

Please contact the Graduate School Office (Room 275, 2F Faculty of Science Bldg.1) for the credits of the teacher-training courses.

Intensive courses

For more detail

Research Ethics

Research Ethics

Credit transfer (Doctoral students)

Your credits during the Master's program can be transferred to the Doctoral course.
Credit Transfer detail

Courses available at other Universities

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ochanomizu University, SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
※Students who would like to take any of the courses, please follow the guidelines.


The grades can be confirmed on UTAS.
Please refer to the curriculum page of the Graduate School and the Course Information 2024.

The announcement of grades is ** ***, 2024.  *TBF 

If there is any doubt about a grade, the student can apply for a questioning request. Please send your request through the Form (Graduate School Office) directly.

Contact Address

Physics Academic Affairs Office (PAAO) 
TEL: 03-5841-4221(Ext:24221)
E-mail: gakumu-phys.s[at]gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp

関連リンク : 2022年度 教務室
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