2021年3月 物理学科学位記伝達式・物理学専攻学位記伝達式/Ceremony for the Commencement of the Undergraduate and Graduate students, the Department of Physics March 2021

学生向けお知らせ 2021/03/16


卒業生に向けた共通のお知らせ / Notification for all graduating students
卒業生共通:安田講堂での式典のオンライン配信/All graduating students:  Livestreaming of the Ceremony at the Yasuda Auditorium update:2021/3/16
学部 物理学科学位記伝達式
修士 物理学専攻学位記伝達式/Master: Ceremony for the Commencement of the Department of Physics
博士 理学系研究科学位記授与式/Doctor: Ceremony for the Commencement of the Graduate School of Science update:2021/3/1
参考:修士・博士修了予定者の証明書発行/Reference: Completion certificates for Master's and Doctoral programs

共通のお知らせ / Notification for all graduating students

・式典でのアカデミックガウンの着用 Academic gown for the University's ceremony

・All students are required to register in UTAS how to receive your diploma, regardless the attendance at the Ceremony.
Submitting the Health Management Report Form is required in advance to enter Hongo Campus.
・The venue will open 15 minutes prior to the ceremony. We take your temperature at the entrance.
・The Ceremony will take place in two sections, 30 minutes each, as a response to prevent the spread of infection.
・Please check, which section you are invited, in the seat map of the Hall which will be announced soon (to be announced around 4 March).
・Please wear a mask in the Hall. Also, please refrain from talking in the venue.
・If you have cold-like symptoms or fever, please refrain from attending the Ceremony.
・Please wash your hands or use sanitizer in order to prevent infection.
・Family members of graduating students cannot unfortunately attend the Ceremony.
・Those who leave the Schools of Science after April 2021 must return your student ID card on that day.
・Please leave the Hall promptly after you receive your diploma.
・Academic gown for the University's ceremony

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卒業生共通:安田講堂での式典のオンライン配信/ All graduating students:  Livestreaming of the Ceremony at the Yasuda Auditorium

Please check the website of the School of Science for the link

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学部 物理学科学位記伝達式

* 一部、二部は学籍番号で区分けします。なお、別途お知らせする理学部奨励賞受賞者は、一部に参加いただく予定です。

* 出席の回答のあった方のみ席を準備します
* 当日欠席する学生は後日指定した日時に学位記を渡します。
* 郵送も可としますが、郵送中の事故による紛失等については、こちらでは一切の責任を負いかねます。ご承知おきください。
* 次の学生のためにロッカーの鍵を外し、中身を空にしてください(3月11日(木)まで)
参考1:東京大学 卒業式

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修士 物理学専攻学位記伝達式/Ceremony for the Commencement of Master’s program of the Department of Physics

* 一部、二部は学籍番号で区分けします。なお、別途お知らせする理学系研究科奨励賞受賞者は、一部に参加いただく予定です。

* 出席の回答のあった方のみ席を準備します
* 当日欠席する学生は後日指定した日時に学位記を渡します。
* 郵送も可としますが、郵送中の事故による紛失等については、こちらでは一切の責任を負いかねます。ご承知おきください。
参考1:東京大学 学位記授与式
参考2:令和3年3月修士課程修了/ for completing Master's Degree in March 2021


Date: Friday, 19 March, 2021
Venue: Koshiba Hall, 2F, the Faculty of Science Bldg. 1
First session:  16:00~(Student ID:35166042~35196048・奨励賞受賞者)
Second session:  17:00~(Student ID:35196049~35196363)
*Students are divided into two groups according to the student ID number.
The students who won the Encouragement Award will automatically be asked to attend the first session.
The final schedule will be announced on this website, until the deadline of the UTAS enquete (the announcement will be around 4 March → The seating chart will be announced on 9 March. It includes those who do not attend the ceremony.).

Registration in UTAS: regarding attendance for the Ceremony (Enquete tab)
Deadline: Sunday, 7 March, 2021
* Seats are reserved only for the students who registered in UTAS. 
Please remember the last two digits of your student number because they will be on the seat.
* The date and time to hand out the diploma to the students who do not attend the Ceremony will be announced as fixed.
* The diploma may be sent by mail.  However we will not bear any responsibility for the damage or loss on the way of shipment.

Referance1:The University of Tokyo Diploma Presentation Ceremony(in Japanese only)
Referance2:令和3年3月修士課程修了/ for completing Master's Degree in March 2021

Registration in UTAS: Questionnaire for those who completed Master’s Program of Graduate School of Science, the University (Enquete tab)

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博士 理学系研究科学位記授与式/Ceremony for the Commencement of the Graduate School of Science

理学系研究科学位記伝達式(3月) - 東京大学 大学院理学系研究科・理学部 (u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Please follow the instruction by the Graduate School Office.(link) Commencement Ceremony of the Graduate School of Science(March)

Registration in UTAS: Questionnaire for those who completed Doctoral Program of Graduate School of Science, the University(Enquete tab)

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参考:修士・博士修了予定者の証明書発行/Reference: Completion certificates for Master's and Doctoral programs

学部学生 卒業証明書(和・英)、成績証明書(和・英)
修士課程 修士修了証明書(和・英)、修士成績証明書(和・英)
博士課程 博士学位授与証明書(和・英)、博士成績証明書(和・英)
発行可能期間 3月19日~3月31日15:00まで
Automatic Certificate Issuuing Machines
Following certificates are available;
Master's students-> Certificate of Program Completion (JP/Eng), Academic Transcript (JP/Eng)
Doctoral students -> Certificate of Program Degree (JP/Eng), Academic Transcript (JP/Eng)
Issuing period: March 19 - March 31, 15:00pm
*Your student ID number and password are required to use the machines.
Please take a note of your student ID number (10 digits) and password since your student card will be collected at the reception of the Commencement Ceremony if you are leaving the School of Science in the end of March.
*The student discount certificate will not be issued after March 19.

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A student ID card is required to unlock the entrance doors of the Faculty of Science Bldg.1.
New student ID cards will be handed out in a specific schedule (to avoid our office to be crowded).
The current student ID cards are valid until the following date.
Until Sat, 10 April:  New M1 students’ cards of the undergraduate school of the Dept. of Physics + New D1 students’ cards for the current Master’s students of the Dept. of Physics, the Graduate School of Science
Until Fri, 30 April:  New sophomores’ cards of the College of Arts and Sciences

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