Aセメ集中講義/A Semester Intensive Courses [Lecture on Advanced Photon Science Ⅲ]

学生向けお知らせ 2023/11/02


A Semester/Intensive Course Lecture by 
Project Professor OHTSUKI, Tomoko of the Institute for Photon Science and Technology, Graduate School of Science

Course Code:35603-1603
Course Title: Lecture on Advanced Photon Science Ⅲ   2 credits
Theme: Innovation Management – Introduction to Innovation
Venue: Room 233 or 337A, Faculty of Science Bldg.1

Language Used in Class: Japanese/English

Course Schedule & Venue

11/21/2023   Room#337A
13:00-14:45   Technology/Market Lifecycle 
14:55-16:40   Value chain, Open Innovation 

11/22/2023  Room#337A
13:00-14:45   Guest speaker 竹内浄 殿(元古河電工専務, 元OFS CEO)/ Mr. TAKEUCHI, Kiyoshi (former management director,  former CEO of OFS and CEO) 
14:55-16:40   Guest speaker Discussion with 竹内浄 殿(元古河電工専務, 元OFS CEO)/ Mr. TAKEUCHI, Kiyoshi (former management director of Furukawa Electric, former CEO of OFS) 

11/28/2023 Room#337A
13:00-14:45   Guest speaker 宮戸泰三 殿 (デンソー、MIT MBA)/ Mr. MIYATO, Taizo (Denso/ MIT(MBA) )
14:55-16:40   Discussion with Guest speaker 宮戸泰三 殿 (デンソー、MIT MBA)/ Mr. MIYATO, Taizo (Denso/ MIT(MBA))

11/29/2023   Room#233
13:00-14:45   Exploring innovation 
14:55-16:40   Strategy, Technology/market lifecycle  

12/5/2023  Room#337A
13:00-14:45   Guest speaker (小鷲 殿)/ Mr. KOASHI 
14:55-16:40   Discussion with Guest speaker (小鷲 殿)/ Mr. KOASHI  

12/6/2023 Room#233  Room#206
13:00-14:45   Exploiting innovation, Strategy  
14:55-16:40   Time for project work  

12/12/2023  Room#337A   Class Cancelled
13:00-14:45   Course project presentation  
14:55-16:40   Recap of course   

1/17/2024 Room#337A  Make up  Class
13:00-14:45   Course project presentation  
14:55-16:40   Recap of course  


集中講義の履修登録方法 /Registration of this Intensive course

提出期限:集中講義の開講日前日 11/20 15:00〆切 
提出先:物理教務事務室(理学部1号館208号室) 直接提出、郵送可(締切必着)、メールでの提出可
->During the registration period: UTAS
->After the registration period: Registration Form for Intensive Courses2022- (graduate students only)
-submission deadline:  15:00 11/20
-submission to: PAAO Office (Room#208, Faculty of Science Bldg.1), or attach to an email to [gakumu-phys.s@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp]. Mailing by Japan Post is OK but must arrive in time.

関連リンク : 2023年度
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